Why "Daym"??

I've been asked a few times - "what is with the daym?"

Allow me to clarify.

Daym is pronounced the same way one would say 'dame'. It was a title that was given to medieval woman who had earned a rank equal to knight. It was very rare and extremely hard to come by. This title was earned through a demonstration of great valor and courage. It was given to a woman who lived beyond what was typically expected of her gender. Overall, I believe the title of "Daym" should be given to every woman who has a fire burning in her breast so strongly that she is not content to stay put. She is constantly driven to the next mountain, the next challenge.

So, in short, Hiking Daym represents (in my mind's eye) the strength of character found in women around the world who go out into nature and explore the mysteries found there.

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